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Play aim maps - This CSGO Skins

Play aim maps - This training procedure is CSGO Skins a bit old-school, and you don't see as many folks doing it, but I still find it a really useful way to practice your rifle aim. Aim maps are maps constructed specifically in a way that forces you to have precise goal; for example, many will have walls which move up to the throat of the opposing players, forcing to take their heads. Since gun headshots are such a potent tool in

Watch pro streams - There's several expert CS:GO players that regularly stream their practice matches on Twitch. You can learn a lot from simply watching how they play, how they communicate with their staff, etc.. Not everybody does this, and some folks will argue that you'd be much better off spending this time only playing the game longer, but I know that it's helped me a great deal. Here is a handy list of CS:GO pros who flow - check out a few and find somebody who you enjoy watching.

A few times annually, there is also important CS:GO tournaments, that can be extra useful to watch as a new player, as the matches are usually commentated by people that are very knowledgeable about the finer points of CS strategy.

At this point, only doing the things over, you need to be well on your way to being a good CS player. You should be able to enter some non-refundable rated matches and maintain your own. With enough practice, you'll begin climbing your way up the rank system, and you'll want to learn some more advanced stuff once you start getting from the lowest ranks. Here's some stuff that can allow you to keep advancing.