
Tis been a time, my wandering Darling
Tis been ages since my heart lie broken
Tis been near as long since I dare to hope
Tis been out of fear I held tight this token

Tis been a spell I was once under
Tis been a magic that had come and gone
Tis been no one to cast it again
Tis been a feeling like being a pawn

Tis been a danger I learned was pain
Tis been the bite of a horrible beast
Tis been the stab of a traitorous knife
Tis been the most torturous grief

Tis been a short time I have known thee
Tis been like the first day of Spring
Tis been a flirt I thought only
Tis been just the smallest thing

Tis grown too fast too large
Tis like the roaring dragon flames
Tis a storm come into my heart’s domain
Tis now my heart that magic reclaims

Tis no trivial thing no more
Tis no minor or dismissing affair
Tis nothing but the strongest desire
Tis nothing but the hottest flare

Tis a roaring flame inside my soul
Tis the only truest and rarest fire
Tis to that soul another be mated
Tis you, my love, who truly inspire