Nice erin Offline

40 Single Female from Albuquerque       363
Nice erin
Nice erin: I m trying to tell someone about Jesus Christ and she is being rude to me and telling me to back off. Ugh I hate rude people!
6 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (8)
echoed12: You have done what you can. Now you pray for her. Give her time.
6 years ago ReplyReport
System Of A Jen
System Of A Jen: not everyone wants the lord shoved in their face
5 years ago ReplyReport
Batgirl88: How was she being rude? Just asking you to back off? How do you know this person? I think Christ is a relational being, so if you have no prior relationship to this person it might not be appropriate...
5 years ago ReplyReport
(Post deleted by KC Thuy 5 years ago)
KC Thuy
KC Thuy in reply to KC Thuy: You were the one out of line! You don’t force religion on anyone and so you took it upon yourself to Sister Mary patron saint of believe my way! She was nice to u try that on me
5 years ago ReplyReport
SCSilk: But did she asked to be told?
5 years ago ReplyReport
KC Thuy
KC Thuy: Ok try this scenario!!! I got a Muslim guy who comes on here telling me I need and must learn Islam and I a born and raised Catholic and he won’t take NO for an answer since I am an uniformed FEMALE!!!! So he is trying to force his beliefs
Down my throat and I told him politely to go fook himself, but you insist in doing that in reverse and it’s not right. But we chatted in the past and I remember you we
5 years ago ReplyReport
KC Thuy
KC Thuy in reply to SCSilk: I guarantee she did not! This girl here knows how to over step here boundaries from chatting to her in the past
5 years ago ReplyReport