original tao Offline

76 Male from Bangkok       102


a word or two

a word or two

good health, friends, and a surfeit of abundance is the

bounty that life has blessed me with. however, the

word: appreciation, is not enough to express the

gratitude i feel for the circumstances i find myself in at

this stage of life.

by way of explanation, i’ll portray my thankfulness as


like a candid image of an old man, painfully going

down on bended knee and genuflecting before an

allegorical altar of Buddhist rebirths to give thanks,

laden with emotion brought on by shameful, immature

memories of how difficult this rebirth once was,

falsely, thought to be.

yes, that’s right, for the longest time i harboured a sort

of psychic grudge toward the life i’d been born into. i

felt i had been consigned by the unseen machinations

of karmic interdependency to become a version of me

that only i could make whole, but had no idea how to

go about it.

and then, as i began to experience and understand the

love of unconditional acceptance, i realised how torn i

had been for so long, and then set to the task of

repairing shreds of the me of my past into a whole

person who is happier now than he ever was before.