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Once a Fool Had a Part to Play

Once a Fool Had a Part to Play

She opened her heart to learn the script.

Her character was complex and beautiful.

But there was nuanced multidimensionality.

The floorboards were always the same hollow.

As she deigned to show her regality and poise.

She smiled, and the coldest audience was warmed.

Scenes were often played as deja’ vu, ‘in situ.’

Her mind grasped, as it did, for past approvals.

But those who knew her, knew her fear, as did I.

The part got hard at 39. The ingenue secretly wept, alone.

Strained muscles brought her inklings of what could be.

There was that performance that couldn’t be forgotten.

Stage lights made her eyes hurt; a misstep, she fell.

People were unkind behind quick, cool, soliticious words.

That season was a bad first, but not the last, or the worst.

Always before she had assumed that the part was hers.

She was asked entry-level audition queries, and then,

She was watched. Mistakes were mercilessly critiqued.

Less and less did she dare to venture out onto the boards.

Insouciance melted airily away and became a memory.

One among others that became, wraithlike, in her mind.