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Find Glory

Find Glory

We’re born the same, small helpless beings.

A sudden entrance to life’s errant stagecall.

To find applause or endure the ire of calumny,

To see ahead how to be, no one of us can view.

Delight your audience, play a me unique to see,

But don’t learn lines to become your best self.

Because, unfairly or not, some mes are mute;

Some mes are vocal. So eschew scripts and be

Your truest self, free, to find glory as destiny!

Dreams of Unbeholdable Emptiness

Dreams of Unbeholdable Emptiness

No one can imagine the vastness of space.

It-ness surrounds everything, everywhere.

Like a dream without contours or weight.

Memories un-cast catch and hold shapes.

Real freedom lies in the heart of emptiness.

No conceptions to avoid or hold. Not an it;

Nor a you or a me; nor anything else to be.

Anonymity’s offers of nothing’s emptiness.

Into the heart of emptiness, go, you’ll see

Nothing there to see; only more of the same.

Hollow, without volume, illimitable expanse.

A dream, undreamt as yet, is all you’ll see.

Doubt’s Costs and Rewards

Doubt’s Costs and Rewards

Doubt’s cost is due if evasion becomes advantage.

Doubt’s reward is slight hesitation before bravery.


The costs of doubt are payable throughout life.

The rewards of doubt accumulate as wisdoms.


Doubt’s cost tallies as the sum of all unmet fears.

Doubt’s reward divulges as self-sustaining faith.

Consequences to the Now of Being

Consequences to the Now of Being

I maintain that now is far, far more important than then!

I maintain that what I think, say, do, now, is everything!

I maintain that this is it, and for now, it is enough for me!

I maintain that you can be the best of yourself, here, now!

I maintain that we can be and do our best now, not then!

Bad People Making Good People Do Bad Things

Bad People Making Good People Do Bad Things

It’s unacceptable for good people to escalate

Conflicts with bad people when those people

Do horrific cowardly acts that terrorize,

Maim, and even kill, innocents among us.

Fear is fear, and hatred is hatred, and anger

Is anger, no matter who, blindly, feels their

Remorseless, cruel stings of unjust pain.

If we too become bloated with enough hate

To justify indiscriminate acts that terrorize,

Maim and kill combatants, or the innocent

Human shields they hide behind, we risk far

More than our lives and the lives of the

Loved ones we hide behind, we risk lives

That were lived but counted as nothing.

We risk dehumanising both our enemies

And ourselves to enable the retaliatory

Slaughter we crave. When one human

Being strikes at another because of their

Status as other, they themselves also become

Known as being worth less than a human.

Well known by all for their bestial acts of

Violence, done with a will toward death

And mass destruction, much like their own

Opposites, the cowardly others, their enemies.

Attachment to Suffering

Attachment to Suffering

To be born is to suffer. It isn’t just an unwanted

Feature incidental to the human lives we live.

It’s a reminder that the most consequential human

Condition of all is either mental or physical suffering.

If we allow suffering to define us by raging against

Its inevitability, suffering can become attachment.

The belief that we don’t deserve to suffer because of

Innocence or good works also morphs into attachment.

However, if we can accept the truth that all beings

Suffer, we can then prevent attachment to suffering.

The Beginning of a Little Better

The Beginning of a Little Better

Expected leaps and bounds haven’t happened yet,

Why ever not? Live’s given to hopes, guilty wishes

Confirmed, losing bets not covered. There’s no blame

Or shame, wouldn’t any of us dreamers do the same?

We know what we want and ignore what we need,

Still, it isn’t alright. Magic won’t inflate what is into

What we want it to be, what an insufferable drag.

“Have patience, just wait.” Until ears hurt from hearing

It said, again and again. Why won’t they understand?

Time drains away, every grain of sand has its say, quick,

Quick, never to be recaptured again, this isn’t a bluff.

The rub has been rubbed, and cares seem desperately

Heavy to lift but, needs must, once again dig deep for

A modicum of faith that resists woe. So, like a melody

That plays and plays to heads that nod, pay heed: often,

As a beginning, a little is better than a lot of nothing.

See for Yourselves: Fear, Anger and Hate

See for Yourselves: Fear, Anger and Hate

See for yourselves:

Rigidity, compassion’s paucity, judgmentalism in excess of reason.

See for yourselves:

Warped humours sense and celebrate other’s failings and suffering.

See for yourselves:

Self-righteously trumpeting every issue’s obscure proofs, pridefully.

See for yourselves:

From blogged opinions, maybe from TV’s screamers, who knows?

See for yourselves:

Angry, strident voices bloviate and drown dissent before it’s heard.

See for yourselves:

Authority exhales, lies and subterfuge reign as perspicacity.

See for yourselves:

Strawmen drawn from old tropes, abandoned long ago by rationale.

See for yourselves:

Twisted figures of speech, hide errancies unnoticed by most, but not.

See for yourselves:

Harsh, sharp words defend and demand be agreed by all, or else.

See for yourselves:

Dim, circular arguments, imprecisely vague, mystify and obfuscate.

See for yourselves:

Fear, anger and hate seeking to diminish truth as inconsequential.