Paul McBon Ruthford Offline

52 Single Male from Abbott       550


On it s way- By s t u c k h e r e

Is it all a miss,
Vain voyages went adrift,
A pattern that s non shaken,
Humanity killed by fist,,,,,,,

Vacated all lost hopes,
All light isotopes,,,,,,,
Abandoned in all hurry,,,,,,,
Every time love is spoke,,,,,,,

Programmed to lag in sections,,,,,,,
Pointed in all directions,,,,,,,
Victims to the feed,,,,,,
Death by ego with it s greed,,,,,,,

The stairway is on it s way,
Right from outer space,,,,,,,
Is Heaven of only grace,,,,,,,
Are we a wasted human race,,,,,,,

Personal yin yang chart log

I'm on day 625,,,,,,,
All night I was feeling like there is pressure in my chest,,,,,,,
So I looked up what the chart had to say
(Thank God)
4 is yin wood
(Light green)
1 is Yang water
(Black or Dark Blue)
5 is yang Earth
(Dark Brown)

I was already wearing a black shirt,,,,,,,
I Haven't seen any light green any where near me
I do have this Brown rock
Which put to my solar plexus
Instantly the pressure was being relieved

Perhaps it is more than just the color that needs to be worn
Perhaps a part of that element being that color is what might be needed
Along with chanting the name of God
By- s t u c k h e r e

1080 day yin yang cycle chart -By s t u c k h e r e
**When using the Phonic part of the chart,,
Please remember that day 01 is not "_" day,,
The Phonic day is one day behind,,
The 01 day should be "a" day,,
**Note added on 5/6/2015,,

:D :D :D :) :D :D :D -By s t u c k h e r e

God has me on a roll,
Quick gimme a bump it,
A cinnamon roll,
Sitting on a crumpet,
Floating on a cloud,
Tooting on a trumpet,

My new theory I call "The 1080 day Yin Yang cycle"

In Taoism the I c h i n g was said to have 64 hexagrams

What My theory does is Line up the Branch, Animal, Stem elements,,,,,,,
Putting them on a numbered cycle to where they all end at the same place,,,,,,,
which happens to be at 1,080,,,,,,,
I also put letters to them for phonic meditative reasons,,,,,,,
So I implemented the alphabet,,,,,,,
Starting with"_" than "A", "B", "C", Etc,,,,,,,
I call this the "No letter day",,,,,,,
Or the "_" day,,,,,,,
Since the alphabet is 26 letters,,,,,,,
It would never meet the odd numbered systems,,,,,,,
Also meditatively the phonic letters I would attach to OM during chants,,,,,,,
So Lucky God made it sense for me,,,,,,,
That the No letter day was OM without a letter attached to the beginning,,,,,,,
I still have to see if it sync s up with my counting my born day as day one,,,,,,,
Since I started count with the I C h i n g,,,,,,,
Yet there is a significant pattern,,,,,,,
Half way point is day 540,,,,,,,
This is where I figure the Yin Yang flip occurs,,,,,,,
Where luck becomes mirror image as it appears,,,,,,,

To find out your own chart
Use this site to calculate the days you are alive
(H t t p://w w w . m a t h c a t s .com/explore/age/calculator.html)
(Minus the spaces)

Divide 1080 into the amount of days
(Write it down)
Than clear
After times the decimal number by 1080
That should give you exactly the day you are on in the cycle
(Currently putting a chart together,,,,,,,
-That every one can use)

To be continued,,,,,,,
By - s t u c k h e r e

Gateway particles

Flash into the existence we see,
Articles perceived experienced that be,
Popping in and out of reality,
Could the same happen with whole objects,
Through a particle gateway abnormality
Or non abnormality,,,,,,,
-s t u c k h e r e-