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52 Single Male from Abbott       550


God you are By stuck here

God you are the ether that takes away negative intentions,
Evaporating monsters of our imaginations,
creation inner soothe,
pumping out successful moods,
where as life becomes the tone where everything good is in its tune,

God you are constant invocation taking away negativity with all of it's inventions,
Evaporating monsters of our imaginations,
creation inner soothe,
giving out successful moods,
where as life becomes tone where everything good is among its tune,
上 帝 , 你 是 帶 走 了 負 面 的 意 圖 醚 ,
蒸 發 我 們 的 想 像 的 怪 物 ,
建 立 內 部 安 撫 ,
抽 了 成 功 的 心 情 ,
其 中 , 作 為 生 活 變 得 基 調 , 一 切 好 的 是 它 的 曲 調 ,

上 帝 , 你 是 不 斷 的 調 用 帶 走 消 極 一 切 的 發 明 ,
蒸 發 我 們 的 想 像 的 怪 物 ,
建 立 內 部 安 撫 ,
提 供 了 成 功 的 心 情 ,
其 中 , 作 為 生 活 變 得 基 調 , 一 切 好 的 是 它 的 曲 調 中 ,

Quotes by stuck here

God is the ghost everyone is possessed by

Mis interpreting By stuck here

Do you like the misdirection,
That other put your life up in,
Many jobs of sinner status,
That they love to go exploit you in,
That pawning piece amuse,
To a puzzle that they mock you in,
The more you entertain them
The more that your'e Stuckkerton,

The pull to slewing vaccume,
Have touched you to where they suck you in,
No mistake they misplaced on purpose,
No exemption theyr'e your fear you voted in,
I suppose you chose your oriface big enough not to feel them poke you in,
You sold the world out right to their circus filth that you chose to soak us in,

That's you, you gone mis interpreting their racism for kindness ness
That's you, you gone mis interpreting their racism for kindness ness
That's you, you gone mis interpreting their racism for kindness ness
That's you, you gone mis interpreting their racism for kindness ness