Mark Offline

55 Single Male    323


It's time to start thinking about that All-Precious thing people.

Fantasy Football!

Those returning to the WPL should get in touch with me. We'll be opening a discussion on some league format ideas to our core members early on, well before the draft, so you'll want to get in now(ish) if you don't want to be excluded when the discussion starts. No complaining about rules changes if you decide to miss the meetings!

We will have a few slots open for those men that think they can run with us hardcore FF Masters. Drop me an email if you're interested. There's no charge to get in. The only thing you have to lose is your dignity and ego - trash talking is allowed and abundant.

Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's ok to sign up and quit in the middle of the season. If you can't commit to your franchise, please don't start one. So only contact me if you're serious about it.

Total FF noobs are welcome. If you love football and competition, we do have good members that will help you learn the game and understand it. This really is a good league to get into if you have wanted to play the game, but were shy about jumping into something competitive you didn't totally understand.


And a continued congrats to Aaron Rodgers, world champion Quarterback, Superbowl MVP and career Laramie Bison star!