Rice Rice Baby
Rice Rice Baby: Stop coming online anymore huh?
3 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Sebastian B to sebastian_z: YO!!! Lol πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»
4 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Sebastian B:
1) Give a respectful greeting to any πŸ‘»'s in the domain you entered, while letting them know you mean no harm and aren't intending anything bad by being in their domain.

2) Ask if they want to communicate anything to you or even through you as a medium, by bringing a few things, and defined like this:

----------- Welcome List of Various Things -----------

β€’ Psychic Imagery
β€’ Empathy in positive vibes
β€’ Empathy as negative if it's a sign warning of danger imminent
β€’ Telepathy and Thought transference
β€’ Other form(s) of ITC / Summoning / Calling

...These are things that are ok with you to receive from the entities replying to your call. The 2nd part of this list is even more important:

---------- UNwelcome List of Various Things ----------

β€’ Anything negative
β€’ Anything too possessive
β€’ Anything too worrying, or stress inducing
β€’ Anything which may harm (you)
β€’ Anything which may harm (period)
β€’ Anything deadly and/or fatal in nature

...These are the things you do NOT consent to allowing in the temporary shared domain for the time being, and for various, obvious reasons.

3) When finished with the session, thank the participants in the same respectful manner as when introducing yourself in this manner:

"Thanks for your time and effort in communicating with me/us/etc..."

"Thank you for the lesson(s) / info gained from our session(s)."

"Everyone wishes you all the best and for you to have a safe journey home!"

***This part applies to ITC sessions, EVP phenomena, and also [oijia~boards❌]***

"This session is over, please close any open channels you've generated to help facilitate communication. You can also exit any containers you may have created for any sort of physical power accumulation manifestation to occur. If there's anything you need in the future regarding anything, feel free to open a channel to me while using the same welcome item(s) list from me as well... After all, not everyone has the same things to interact with, let alone the same level of conveyance."

4) For Gary Galka, and Bill Chapel... TV Broadcast mics are capturing psychic... Hmmmm... "info"... The range has to be filtered to just what's audible to human ears in audible Hertz. There are 2 sound variables here, sub frequency (bass as pressure wave), and anti-pitch/anti-phase frequency (sound in reverse pitch and reverse phase). It's those which along with recordings of white noise, (ITC fields) are what's causing the sound projection phenomena...

Also apparently if you just Imagine speaking through an "improvised" amplified PA system, it also happens... Someone's setting this to other people's thoughts though... 😣

The same filter needed to be created for sound post processing, also needs something similar to be applied to non-visual ranges of eyesight, which are photographed and traps energy, like infrared and ultraviolet light lenses. The reason why is that the images in our memory from broadcasts retain info from sound and visual gateways that are being replayed each time that memory is recalled. 😜

Thanks so much y'all!!! Lol
4 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: ...How Democrats and Republicans are basically the same thing...

1) πŸ§“ Republicans "choose" who to "vote" for from a list of electees which win the ballot with enough casting votes, then go on to being "appointed officials"...

2) πŸ§‘ Democrats "vote" on who to "choose" from, and with enough casting votes in the same ballot, the electees become "elected officials"...

...inb4 "democrepublican"... Lol it sounds a whole lot better than "republicrat"...
4 years ago Report Link
miilk: haha yesss i'm with you. we'll have to think of a nickname though.

miss you around here!
4 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: "Heaven vs. Hell, is a lot like most Republic vs. Democratic political party debates... because you only get into heaven when you're chosen, and on the other hand, you only end up in hell because other people chose you to be there..."

~ Seb
4 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Pluto0007: lmfao stealing this
4 years ago Report
Rice Rice Baby
Rice Rice Baby: From your previous account! Wow I almost forgot you once were a mod!
4 years ago Report
Dawn: Tbf, he's a real nuisance
4 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B to Braden: 😜πŸ€ͺ😬😜πŸ€ͺ😬😜πŸ€ͺ😬😜πŸ€ͺ😬😜πŸ€ͺ😬😜πŸ€ͺ😬

4 years ago Report Link
Entropic Dreams
Entropic Dreams: EXCUSE YOU!
4 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: Lol downvotesπŸ‘Ž... Joking!πŸ‘
4 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: Twitter status rant:

Pillow Lust lol πŸ’€
4 years ago Report Link
Springs Thorn 4 years ago Report
Sebastian B got the Tulips badge from Springs Thorn 5 years ago Report
Sebastian B got the Tulips badge from Springs Thorn 5 years ago Report
Wireclub Next
Sebastian B joined Wireclub Next 5 years ago
Sebastian B
Sebastian B:

So only 2 days a year.... folks do the church/Lord thing.... It's going to be a super special Easter Sunday this year.... Bet on it!

5 years ago Report Link
Sebastian B
Sebastian B to Jare: Lol miss you too bro, damn my screen is so small on this cell phone that when I push a letter in the keypad a princess I have to scream... Damn autocorrect.... I actually said I press half the screen what the fuck at princess I have to scream...
5 years ago Report Link
Jare: Lmfao when I first read that I was like "Ohhh lawd what kind of kinky shit is Seb up to now?"
5 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: Sorry about earlier... Ummmmm...

YELLS "ANGER" @ subliminal message sender as a reply and Lulz HELLA hard!!!!!

5 years ago Report Link
Springs Thorn
Springs Thorn: i was so going to win and i didnt even almost never cheated during the game
5 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: Write more you guys! lol just joking but you're all still awesome!
5 years ago Report Link
Jare: SEBBBBB I miss you, bro.
5 years ago Report
Springs Thorn
Springs Thorn: u left in the midst of our game.. even though i was clearly going to win anyways
5 years ago Report
Sebastian B started a new conversation: Scientific Study Survey.... in Science 5 years ago Report
Sebastian B
Sebastian B: Type-1a Supernovae aka a "standard candle", is a method of using a star's luminosity level to ascertain how far away it is. Although this method only factor's in "lumins" as a level, it doesn't take into account the curvature (warping) of space due to 2 factors:

1) gravity fields generated by mass with significant density, that also has velocity of angular momentum

2) dark matter

Since light and time are only taken into account in the physical realm in relation to relativity theory, and space expansion theory conflict, not the anti-matter field, the 2nd aspect doesn't fully apply. We can infer that by calculating the variance between these 3 things whether space is expanding, contracting, or static implying it had no start or end points and could be infinite in dimensions:

1) type 1a Supernovae distance

2) type 1a Supernovae distance + redshift level = expansion theory

3) type 1a Supernovae plus expansion theory minus gravity field warping space time dilation for the type 1a and our planet

Odds are in my opinion, that the variance in distance from the calculations of space expanding, if zeroed out so that space is static, the variance in distance would calculate to the same value as that of a star and planet, or both star's and a planet (ours) gravity field time dilation stretching the path of light would equal up to...

~BD/SB 1/28/2019
5 years ago Report Link