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Time & Space: Einstein Psyence, The Gravity Myth, & Our Electromagnetic Reality

Wake up call. Time to break free from the "psyence" paradigm and understand the reality that's hidden from the public.

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball

200 Flat Earth Proofs in under 2 hours! The largest collection of supposed "spinning ball Earth proofs" I can find from NASA is 10, all of which are debunked in the following video. So here is 20x the amount of proofs your government has ever given you that you are NOT living on a spinning ball planet. Please sit your friends and family down to watch this most important documentary and help share this on all your social media accounts so we can wake humanity up to this greatest deception and mother of all conspiracies!

Sun, Moon, and Stars Prove the Flat Earth

NASA's astronomical figures always sound perfectly precise, but heliocentrists have historically been notorious for regularly and drastically changing them to suit their various models. For instance, in his time Nicolas Copernicus calculated the Sun’s distance from Earth to be 3,391,200 miles. The next century Johannes Kepler decided it was actually 12,376,800 miles away. Issac Newton once said, “It matters not whether we reckon it 28 or 54 million miles distant for either would do just as well!” How scientific!? Benjamin Martin calculated between 81 and 82 million miles, Thomas Dilworth claimed 93,726,900 miles, John Hind stated positively 95,298,260 miles, Benjamin Gould said more than 96 million miles, and Christian Mayer thought it was more than 104 million! Nowadays they have settled around 93 million for the time-being. “As the sun, according to ‘science’ may be anything from 3 to 104 million miles away, there is plenty of ‘space’ to choose from. It is like the showman and the child. You pay your money - for various astronomical works - and you take your choice as to what distance you wish the sun to be. If you are a modest person, go in for a few millions; but if you wish to be ‘very scientific’ and to be ‘mathematically certain’ of your figures, then I advise you to make your choice somewhere about a hundred millions. You will at least have plenty of ‘space’ to retreat into, should the next calculation be against the figures of your choice. You can always add a few millions to ‘keep up with the times,’ or take off as many as may be required to adjust the distance to the ‘very latest’ accurate column of figures. Talk about ridicule, the whole of modern astronomy is like a farcical comedy - full of surprises. One never knows what monstrous or ludicrous absurdity may come forth next. You must not apply the ordinary rules of common-sense to astronomical guesswork. No, the thing would fall to pieces if you did.” - Thomas Winship, “Zetetic Cosmogeny” (115)

NASA Fail Compilation

NASA Fails so hard and so often they cannot be taken seriously by earnest truth-seekers. This band of incessantly lying Freemasons and Nazis have completely deceived the world into believing their astro-nots have landed on the Moon and Mars, that space stations and satellites are constantly suspended in "geosynchronous" orbit with the Earth, an Earth which they claim is a huge spinning ball-planet revolving around the Sun and shooting through infinite space away from a Big Bang creationary sneeze at 670,000,000mph. NASA has also "confirmed" the existence of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one septiliion) other ball planets, where many of their Masonic propagandists claim extra-terrestrial alien life MUST exist. The amount of science-fiction and fantasy peddled by this group of supposed "scientists," and believed as gospel truth by the vast majority of the population, puts all the imaginings of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry to shame. Thanks to a bit of rocket technology, Zero G planes, wires, cranes, pools, sound studios and all the lying Freemasons they need, NASA has successfully fooled the entireworld out of believing their own eyes and experience, the truth, that Earth is the flat, motionless center of the universe over and around which everything in the heavens revolves.

Proof Earth is Not Spinning, Rotating, Revolving or Wobbling

If the Earth truly were a spinning ball orbiting the Sun, there are several tests and experiments which could be, and have been, conducted to prove or disprove the veracity of such a claim. For example, Danish Astronomer Tycho Brahe famously argued against the heliocentric theory in his time, positing that if the Earth revolved in an orbit round the Sun, the change in relative position of the stars after 6 months of orbital motion could not fail to be seen. He argued that the stars should seem to separate as we approach and come together as we recede. In actual fact, however, after almost two hundred million miles of supposed orbit around the Sun, not a single inch of parallax can be detected in the stars! Desperate heliocentrists, instead of conceding, doubled-down claiming the stars were all actually trillions upon trillions of miles away from us, so incredibly far away that no appreciable parallax could ever be detected! This convenient explanation, which heliocentrists have clung to for centuries, has proven satisfactory to silence the uninquisitive minds of the masses, but still falls short because even at trillions of miles away, a two hundred million mile change in position WILL create a measurable difference. The following video explores several more modern proofs that the Earth is not spinning, rotating, revolving, tilting, wobbling, or shooting through infinite space as NASA has brainwashed us to believe.

Star Trails Prove Earth is the Center of the Universe

Star trail time-lapse photography is absolute proof that Earth is the stationary center of the universe around which everything in the sky revolves. If the Earth's supposed motion was what caused the star trail effect, Earth would have to be performing daily 360 loop-de-loops, inverting upside down, coming back around, and NOT rotating on an axis, otherwise the same stars would not remain visible in the sky for well over 12 hours (as they do), and would all move across the sky horizontally! The fact that we can see the same stars all night long revolving perfect circles around Polaris proves it is the stars moving relative to a fixed Earth and not the Earth doing roller-coaster loops around Polaris! Also, the stars are all said to be at varying incredible distances from one another so their relative positions to each other should be shifting constantly. In actual fact, however, all the constellations maintain their positions relative to one another day after day, year after year. This is only possible if we are fixed and the universe is a fixed sphere moving around us, like a planetarium dome.

The Flat Earth Conspiracy Documentary

Wolves in sheep’s clothing have pulled the wool over our eyes. For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. In schools where every professor’s desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the “heliocentric” theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. The illusion created, connivingly convincing, has entranced the world’s population into blindly believing a maleficent myth. The greatest cover-up of all time, NASA and Freemasonry’s biggest secret, is that we are living on a plane, not a planet, that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe. In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence that we are living on a motionless, flat Earth. Please take the time to do yourself and humanity a favor by watching this most important, mind-blowing and entertaining film! Please also like, share and spread this video around to help raise awareness of this highly taboo, suppressed, and ridiculed truth.

Geocentricity is Scientific, Heliocentricity is a Lie!

In the late 1800s, 4 conclusive experiments performed by the top scientists of their day proved that the Sun, Moon and stars revolve around us, and that Earth is the fixed, motionless center of the universe. The Michelson-Morley, Michelson-Gale, Airy's Failure and Sagnac experiments scientifically proved Geocentricity and nearly crushed the dying Heliocentric theory when agent Einstein came through with his Special Relativity denial of the proven aether and philosophically (not scientifically) banished the aether from study ever since. An incorrect interpretation of the Michelson-Morley results are now commonly taught and the other 3 experiments are never covered in any university courses. These conclusive peer-reviewed and repeated scientific results are nowhere debated or denied, merely suppressed and ignored. The fact of the matter is, however, that Geocentricity has been conclusively proven for well over a century!

NASA's Fake Ball Earth vs The True Flat Earth

Watch the following compilation of NASA's fake CGI spinning ball-Earth compared with actual amateur balloon footage from space, showing the Earth to be completely flat and motionless, and NASA to be the most successful liars in history.

ISS Hoax - The International Space Station Does Not Exist!

The International Space Station, just like everything else brought to us by NASA, is a Freemasonic hoax, a complete fabrication done with special effects, models, pools, zero G planes, and various camera tricks. The following video exposes key points of evidence for the hoax and breaks down exactly how the illusion is created and maintained.
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