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FEMINIST PSA #15: Say Cheese ]

"I always get, 'What's wrong' or 'Lighten up.' Half the time, when guys tell me to smile, I'm not even frowning, I'm thinking! Then I'm like, 'Oh! Some men don't want women to think!' Do they all have walkie-talkies? Are they all in this together? Like, 'OK, she's thinking, someone say something. She's reading, go distract her!' It starts feeling like that sometimes, doesn't it?"

— Kathleen Hanna

Amen, sistah!!! Beastie Boys, when I have what Lisa Simpson called, "a line of resignation" on my face, it doesn't mean anything is wrong with me. There is something wrong however with you telling me to smile or how to mold my face. Don't be a dipstick and annoy women just for the hell of it when you wish you had attention on yourself like a 2nd grader. Women can think for themselves and you shouldn't go around stopping it for no reason whatsoever. tsktsk No matter the expressions on our faces, you have absolutely ZERO say in what we should do about it, if anything. As humans, we're allowed to act however we want and women aren't expected to grin 24/7 because an age-old social stigma insists we have to. One more thing, if you compliment us, this also DOES NOT warrant a smile in return. Go ahead, call us out for being "bitches" afterwards since you weren't met with undying gratitude. Get over it.