Songbird_nz Offline

37 Widow/Widower Female from Wellington       691
Songbird_nz: I haven’t been on in a million years... I gots no computer access on the reg now... so using my crappy cracked to shit iPhone lols. Anywho... birthday went really well until I basically had to cut ties with my Dad and Step Mum... I am officially done with them... and although there are some people that would disagree with this course of action, I can NOT handle the toxicity of my Step Mothers behaviour and how my Father refuses to do anything every time the woman wrongs me. So that also means no more Monday job. I’m financially worse off but my mental health has never been better. So what’s everyone else been up too?
4 years ago ReplyReport Link Collapse Show Comments (2)
BugHug: It doesn't matter what other people think. If you have toxic family members, you need to step back from that relationship for your own mental health girl!
4 years ago ReplyReport
Songbird_nz in reply to BugHug: Thank you for understanding! It’s actually so refreshing to not have to defend my actions here. Life for my general mental wellbeing has been SOOOOOO much better in the last two months. My night terror count is at zero, which is phenomenal! I’ve never had that happen! I don’t have to dilute myself AND I don’t have to pray to every single deity that she’s not going to be a bitch and hoping that for once my Dad will stick up for me. Relieved, happier and I’m my own person capable of making her own decisions. 😊😊😊😊
4 years ago ReplyReport