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35 Single Female from Boston       736


Sometimes, the gods sit your ass down for a lesson. And it's not one you want to learn or acknowledge.
They do not especially care.
You will sit. You will listen. You will show comprehension.
At least that's how they think it should go.
With me there's a lot more pouting, arguing, and them having to use rather creative teaching tactics to ensure I understand.
This last one I understand, intellectually. But can't seem to grasp that there isn't another way to go about it.
The lesson is this: Sometimes, you have to hurt or allow someone to get hurt to prevent worse hurt or death later.
It is better to allow a child to burn themselves on a hot pan than stick their hand in a fire.
Yes. You warn them. You inform them and keep them from harm when you can. But sometimes, you need to allow them to learn. Sometimes, you need to let the child fall.
I, have notorious "save everyone" syndrome. I forgive repeatedly even after being wronged again and again
I know why I was sat down to learn this... I even know that on some level...they're right.
But I'll tell you it's not digesting well.
My brain is still convinced there is a way to educate without allowing the injury.
In the dream, I was shown an electrical pipe . It was set to overload on a friend, injuring his hand. Because of that, a series of events wouldn't occur that would lead to their death/ a far greater injury.
If I were to spare them the small burn, they would follow a path of events that would be their downfall.
I'm honestly not sure who was teaching ... He reminded me of a teacher I've had once before in a dream. Stern. Not a bad or evil person and was patient if you were genuinely trying... But any attempt at snark or stubbornness was met with correction.
It was a long lesson.
This lesson was not as...repeated. mostly because I may have yessed him to death in attempt to finish it without trouble .
I still didn't get away without a bit of pain to remind me of the lesson. I may not know him...but he knows me way too well.
I...have a feeling this one is going to need to be recapped. I understand it...but it's not really sinking in.... Joy