StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

This is yet other of my utterly stupid conversations with some dipshit scammer from Ghana. Actually, it’s two conversations with the same person … well, two different people … who are the same, but different … supposedly …
11 years ago Report
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)

I've tried to imagine the people actually sitting there typing, sending these messages.

Here's the picture in my mind:

The person typing the messages is some big fat guy, smoking a really shitty quality, reeking cigar, wearing boxer shorts that need laundering and a white, sleeveless t-shirt with food stains on it. He's sitting there typing in a room with flies buzzing all around, a few of which have been trapped on one of those hanging strips of flypaper. There's a single glaring lightbulb hanging down from the ceiling on a wire, and there's a cheap radio on, playing some really cheezy pop music, and there's a bottle of rotgut rum, half empty, sitting on the table next to a plastic cup and a jar lid functioning as the ashtray for the guy's crappy cigar.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)