StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

This is my twenty-second stupid conversation with one of those idiot Ghana scammers. This one involves getting naked, smearing bacon fat all over my body, letting my dog lick it off, and the Ghana scammer shooting ping pong balls from her hoo-hah.

It’s very, very stupid.
11 years ago Report
(Post deleted by staff 11 years ago)
(Post deleted by StuckInTheSixties 11 years ago)

Jenine, I don't get nearly as many as I did a couple of months ago, but I do keep getting these things pretty regularly. I have so many because I saved them up from that time when I was getting literally six or eight of these every day. And I've discarded many of them that I just didn't think were good enough to post for one reason or another. I post one-a-day, and I have about eight or nine left. But by nine days' time, I may have saved another one or two. Who knows?
11 years ago Report