StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

Each year, after the winter rains have ceased and things begin to dry out, I have the open field on my property mowed by Pete the Tractor Guy. It’s a fire-suppression measure.

Many predatory birds have an intuitive understanding of what this means for them. With the tall grass freshly mowed, it suddenly becomes easy pickings for them in their quest to catch small animals. For a few days, before the various kinds of prey can find better shelter, they’re more vulnerable to predators that take advantage of the situation and hunt intensively in the mowed grass.

A large Great Blue Heron quickly zeroed in on my property during the mowing, and he spent several days here catching what he could. This gave me the opportunity to get some photos of him hunting, including the moment when he caught and ate what appeared to be a big rat.

Mmm! Nom nom nom!
12 years ago Report