StuckInTheSixties Offline

71 Single Male from Napa       150

May 15, 2011

This is one of the best photos I’ve made. It happened by luck, and because I was paying attention, and taking care of business. The luck came about just because there was a few rain clouds on an otherwise sunny day, and one of them passed over my place. It was traveling from west to east, traveling in the direction so that it passed overhead and kept moving toward Mt. George, the peak seen in my photo. As the cloud passed beyond my place, and sunlight once again fell upon me, it produced the rainbow. I was out on the porch at this time, and the moment I saw the rainbow, I dashed in, grabbed the camera, and started clicking away. The rainbow lasted a few minutes, but for most of that time, it wasn’t that great. It just happened to line up with the trees and Mt. George, and with the blue sky beyond, and I got the shot.

This picture has been digitally manipulated quite a bit. The biggest thing I did with it was to digitally remove a very ugly utility pole with wires and a transformer that brings electrical power to the neighbors whose houses sit a short distance beyond the trees. I also removed a dead limb on one of the trees. Besides that, I brightened up the colors considerably, as they are somewhat flat and dull in my original photo.

As I said, I think this is one of the very best pictures I’ve ever taken, so I can’t find much of anything in the way of flaws to complain about. It turned out pretty nicely.

Posted previously in Albums …
#157: “My Best Photos Of 2011”
#161: “Around My Place XV”
11 years ago Report
I was here
I was here: Wow! I love it. I have tried so often to capture a rainbow. I have had zero luck so far. Nice picture
11 years ago Report

It mostly takes luck. You just gotta be there at the right place at the right time, and you have to be ready at that moment. One thing ... if you get an opportunity to photograph a rainbow, don't stop at one or two pictures. Just keep snapping away. That'll increase your chances of getting the good shot.
11 years ago Report
Jetters: Beautiful
11 years ago Report