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Karate II

Okay so there's another martial-arts tournament this weekend and I am definitely prepared for it. I will be performing a Shao Lin Staff, Iaido (Japanese sword "art of unsheathing and rinsing blood), Karate, and Kung Fu forms, and then I will be engaging in sparring. Wish me luck!
Namo Amituofo

Buddha Blessing-

I love you =)

All my friends and family and spiritual guides and Buddhas. Let us always remember that inside each of us is a big heart that pumps blood just the same as everyone else, we are all capable of loving as we are all capable of hating, but it's the choices we make that affect which way our heart goes. If you always choose love, you will only be around love, and even those that may seem as "hate" will then in your eyes look like love. =)


Karate tonight, and in a 2 months there will be a tournament. I'm excited for it. I've never wrote a blog before, it's kinda lame actually... LoL

Hm... so, yeah...