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Chess Notes

I made some notes with the basic principles to remember while playing chess. The notes are somewhat succinct in language because they are meant to accommodate my thinking pattern but i hope it will be useful for others who want to learn to play. Definition: Chess is a 2 player, finite, zero sum, perfect information game. The two players are attempting to weave through chains of consequences as a test of intelligence. Luck has no part in it. Theoretically there is a perfect solution that will never lose.

Relative Piece Value:
King = infinite points
Queen = 9 points
Rook = 5 points
Bishop = 3 points
Knight = 3 points
Pawn = 1 point
Supposedly 2 Bishops > 2 Knights
Supposedly Tempo (move rhythm superiority) = 1 point

Rules for Draw:
1. Stalemate- inability to legally move pieces
2. Threefold repetition- the same sequence of positions occurs3 times.
3. 50 Move Rule- when last 50 consecutive moves fail to achieve a capture or progress a Pawn.
4. Insufficient Material- when neither side posses the assets to achieve Checkmate (if only 1 Knight or 1 Bishop remains as a player’s assets Checkmate can not be achieved).
5. Agreement- Both players give consent to end the game.

Principles for Opening Game:
1. Acquire the center squares of the board (often done by moving Pawns).
2. Develop capital pieces.
3. The connection of Rooks (defensively desirable) is considered the end of opening game (achieved through special move, Castling).

1. Learn to better your play through both imagination and awareness.
2. Manipulate and read your opponent’s moves and psychology.
3. Acquire Tempo
4. Predict future moves and asses the number of assets focusing a given square.
5. Seek Profit- remember chess is a zero sum game, so the loss of your opponent is your gain. 6. Acquire enemy material (seek exchanges if you have superior assets).
7. Secure your material (avoid exchanges if you have inferior assets).
8. Avoid Pressure- when your opponent allocates their assets in attempt to seize Profit.
9. Apply Pressure- the side with most pressure will be have the most limitations on their movements.
10. Secure your King.
11. Immobilize enemy King (Checkmate).

1. Set up Discovered Attacks- these are moves where if you move one piece another piece takes effect.
2. Set up Pinning Attacks- when a piece is attack an enemy piece and impedes its movement because if it were to move your opponent would offer a piece of higher relative value.
3. Set up Fork Attacks- when a pence is simultaneously attacking 2 or more enemy pieces.
4. Acquire healthy Pawn formation (seek Pawn Chains and avoid Doubled Pawns).
5. Acquire Fianchetto (a positional advantage in which the Queen or Bishop acquire control of 1 of the 2 longest diagonals on the board).
6. Acquire vertical movement with Rooks.
7. Secure forward Pawns to seek Special move, Pawn Promotion.
8. Secure forward Knights to seek an offensive position on enemy formation
9. En Passant a.k.a. Pass Pawn- special move Pawn on Pawn capture.